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A Light in the Darkness: How Talitha Together Transforms the Lives of Teen Mothers


In a recent interview with SABC News, Cwenga Koyana, co-founder of Talitha Together, shared the profound struggles and remarkable resilience of teenage mothers in South Africa. Her words paint a vivid picture of a journey from hardship to empowerment, illustrating the critical role Talitha Together plays in this transformation.

The Stark Reality: A Cycle of Poverty and Despair

Imagine being a young girl, full of dreams and potential, suddenly faced with the overwhelming responsibility of motherhood. For many, this is not just a hypothetical scenario but a harsh reality. Over 150,000 young girls, some as young as 10, became mothers last year. These girls often live in extreme poverty, with little access to the support they desperately need.

"Teen pregnancy has become popular or the norm, and it does have devastating effects on most of these young mothers who find themselves trapped in the cycle of poverty." - Cwenga Koyana

Heartbreaking Challenges

These young mothers often find themselves isolated, unsupported, and overwhelmed. They come from single-parent households, struggle with basic needs, and face an uncertain future. The lack of food, the absence of a support network, and the feeling of being utterly alone are common struggles.

"These are young girls who are living in very poor conditions and circumstances, don't really have the privileges of a great education or even a supportive family or community." - Cwenga Koyana

Talitha Together: A Beacon of Hope

Amidst these challenges, Talitha Together shines as a beacon of hope. The organization focuses on restoring dignity, offering support, and creating a path forward for young mothers.

- Extra School Lessons: Young mothers receive the academic support they need to continue their education and dream of a better future.

- Antenatal and Post-natal Classes: These mothers learn essential skills to care for their babies and themselves, surrounded by a community that believes in their potential.

- Donations: The relief on a mother’s face as she receives baby clothes, sanitary products, and other essentials is profound, showing her she is not alone.

- Mental Health Support: The comfort these young mothers feel when they have someone to talk to, someone who listens and understands, is invaluable.

"We teach them in our antenatal and postnatal classes about breastfeeding, about how to take care of the child. But as they grow, they just don't have enough food or support or clothing." - Cwenga Koyana

The Power of Community and Education

Cwenga passionately advocates for community involvement and improved education. She stresses that real change begins at home, with parents and guardians taking an active role in educating their children about sexual health and reproductive rights.

"Parents' voices and family members' guardians at home should be the most amplified voice that influences a child's knowledge and choices when they step out of the home." - Cwenga Koyana

Watch the Full Interview

Gain deeper insights into the challenges faced by teen mothers and the life-changing support provided by Talitha Together. Watch the full interview with Cwenga Koyana below. Her words are a call to action, a reminder of the power of community and the importance of standing together.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At Talitha Together, we believe in the potential of every young mother. We invite you to join us in our mission. Whether through volunteering, donations, or advocacy, your support can transform lives. Be the light in someone's darkness. Visit our Volunteer or Donations Pages to get started.


Cwenga Koyana’s interview is a testament to the resilience of young mothers and the transformative power of support and community. Talitha Together is a lifeline, a source of hope. By coming together, we can help these young mothers build a brighter future for themselves and their children. Let’s make a difference, one life at a time.

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